Wednesday 14 January 2015

Indian Festivals - Mysterious facts about Makar Sankranti and Pongal

Indian Festivals - Makar Sankranti
 If you know about astrology then you would have heard about Zodiacs or Rashis. There are twelve zodiacs. Zodiac signs and charts are prepared by understanding the relationship of Sun with the zodiacs or by moon with the zodiacs. Then what is zodiac? How are they related to astrology and the future of our planet and our own selves? There is a deep science behind this and as with all ancient beliefs the science behind the zodiacs is conveniently forgotten  and only the rituals and believes are still remembered.

What is Zodiac?

Zodiacs are nothing but group of stars called constellations that are always seen together and collectively depicting an animal shape. Their movement has been watched by our ancestors for thousands and thousands of years and their respective angle of their presence with our Sun and Moon are calculated. 

Fire of Bogi - Destroy unwanted things and thoughts
When you sit exactly on the line of equator on a day when the day and night are equal at a time just before the rise of sun, you will see a group of stars precisely at the place where the sun is about to rise. If you continue watching the same phenomenon every year and from the same place then after 2000 years next constellation or zodiac will appear. Since a single man could not observe the change the information was stored and followed by thousands of generations and this phenomenon was given shape.

So, for the entire cycle of zodiac to get completed, it takes about 24000 years and this data is used to calculate the yugas in Hindu culture. This concept is called procession of equinox.  

How Zodiacs influence our lives?

All celestial bodies in the universe have two powers in common. One is gravitational force and the other magnetic force. The intensity might vary from very minimum to vast energies. Stars because of their size exert more of these powers which apart from their other power of producing light and energy by fusing hydrogen atoms.

A group of stars or constellations will have an enormous magnetic field and gravitational force and when some constellations that are angled directly with our Sun - the major energy provider for earth, then a minute change in energy levels happen. These minute changes also could be massive for living beings in earth because of the relatively small size. 

What is Makar Sankranti?

As the earth rotates by itself and also around the sun, the angle between you, the sun and the constellation changes every day. This alteration is calculated with respect to the position of Sun or Moon. In either case the angle of the Sun's presence with that our presence and the constellations changes twelve times a year. That is Sun gets closer to the attractive field of a constellation every month. 

Every year there will be two days when day and night timings will be similar and one such day falls on 14th of January. On this particular day Sun enters the power zone of the Zodiac Capricorn or Makara. The day also marks the arrival of spring and summer for those who are residing around equator. 

The transition of Sun to the zodiac Capricorn is celebrated throughout India as Makar Sankranti. 

Pongal Festival being celebrated in a school in Chennai

 Pongal Festival in Tamil Nadu:

Makar Sankranti is celebrated as Pongal In Tamil Nadu and it is a major festival here that is celebrated for four days. Tamil Nadu is the only state in India that receives rain fall ij the months of October, November and December and hence that period is considered as best time cultivating paddy that requires large volumes of water for growth. The harvest just coincides with the pongal festival and with the newly harvested paddy, the festival is celebrated.

Pongal festival being celebrated in a Temple in Tamil Nadu

First day of the festival is called Bogi when all the unwanted things in a household are destroyed. You can see raging fire in the early morning of the day in almost all the houses in Tamil Nadu where they dump all those unwanted things that occupy the house and they are burnt. This day signifies that when the new period starts you have to destroy all the old and unwanted things not only in your household but also in your minds.


Tasty Pongal is ready
The second day of the festival is Pongal and the day is dedicated to the Sun. I the early mornings pongal, a tasty dish is prepared in front of the houses in mud pots. As we are all used to food cooked in metal utensils you will have to once taste food that is prepared in mud pot. Believe me, it would be the tastiest food you have ever had and there are scientific reasons for that.

Mattu Pongal:

Manju Virattu on Mattu Pongal Day
Youths trying to tame a Bull 
The third day of the festival is dedicated to Bulls and cows. Both of them, even now play a major role in an average farmer's day to day. Cows provide milk and bullocks are used for ploughing and transportation. You may not believe this. but it is still way agriculture is done by majority of Indians.
On this day a special event is conducted when young males try to tame furious bulls. This event is popularly known as Manju Virattu. There are some legal restrictions for this event but still it is a must see event where the young man who tames a bullock is awarded with whatever that is tied in the neck of the bull. 

Are you Brave Enough?

Kanum Pongal:

The fourth day of the festival is called Kanum Pongal and as the name indicates the day is for seeing friends, relatives  and new things. People start early in the morning with their families on the day and visit friends or relative's houses and also visit recreation centers and malls, Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu is know for its second largest beach in the world where more than 10 lakh people gather on the day.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated as a kite festival in many parts of India when from early morning to evening kids and adults fly kites in the broad daylight and get the warmth and energy of the sun during its transition phase.

Rush in Marina Beach on Kanum Pongal Day