Tuesday 19 August 2014

How safe is your Sexual Capability - Check it out !

Sex and food are the two things that are connected to our life so strongly that most of the actions, reactions, good deeds and  bad deeds are in one way or other connected to either of the two.
We cannot ignore them.
We cannot suppress their need.
These two are those needs that have made Man do wonders and blunders.
In this Blog I am going to talk not only about SEX but about lacking in strength or Vigor to actively get involved in Sex. The concerned terminology is 'Impotence'
There are lots of Myths about Impotence. Lots of explanations, suggestions, jokes etc are obviously connected with this word. The reason is simple; We have two main objectives in our life - in fact all living beings have these two objectives and they are 
To sustain life Reproduction is Vital. It is knowingly associated with tremendous pleasures by GOD not to let living beings lose interest in this most important activity. Other living beings, I believe lose interest in sexual engagement as they age. This is also true for humans. Another common factor is that when we are infected by a disease we lose interest in sex. 
But what actually Modern Science and Ancient Science think about Impotence ?
Why don't we take a look at the basic facts that tend to have loads and loads of effect in our life.

Impotence - Modern View:


  • Psychological factor plays a vital role in determining your sexual powers.Fear of poor performance, Anxiety, Stress, Mental disorders, psychological problems and negative feelings induce impotence.
  • Impotence can also be the result of a Surgery (I am talking about the Success or the failure of it)
  • Aging is a major Cause for Impotency in spite of the advent of Viagra this is unstoppable and irreversible.
  • Kidney failure can also be a main cause.
  • Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Poisoning.
  • Smoking is the key cause of Erectile dysfunction.

Ancient Saint of India

In this juncture, I have to say a few words about the Saint whose name is Agathiyar  lived some 2000 years back in India. There are lots of myths about him and there are lots of literature recovered from the past which tell that he was an expert not only in one subject but he is a Master of all Arts. He has written about medicines, diseases, diagnosis, operating methods and also had suggested a  thing or two for living long and staying young till the end of your life.
We know lots of languages in the world. Can any one tell the name of a person who wrote or created the languages. To my knowledge, languages exist in our society, that's all, no one knows how they originated. How such a complex form of communication was developed in Ancient times is still a mystery yet to be solved.
But here we are seeing a man who has created a Language;  AGATHIYAR CREATED TAMIL LANGUAGE. So we are going a take a closer look on what he thought about IMPOTENCE.

This information  is collected from his famous book 'SUSHRUTA SAMHITA'
In this book he lists out all the kinds of diseases that humans encounter,their causes and specifically advises cures that we could ourselves prepare and consume. From the book I have just extracted the Causes he had written that induce impotence.

1) First is the psychological Cause: When you are forced to do the sexual act at a time you are interested in it, then you might get temporary impotence. It might also happen when you are forced to do sex with a Man or Woman whom you do not like sleeping with.

2) Food habits play a major role in impotence. Excessive intake of food with pungent odor, food with acidic or Saline taste or if you food that generates more heat in the body, then, in the long run, they dehydrate the essential fluids in your body and can cause impotence.
This is called 'SAUMYA DHATU' in Sanskrit which could be translated into English as 'Watery Principle"

3) Virile potency: Loss of Semen in Semen addicted to excessive Sexual Pleasure.

4) A long standing disease in Male generative organ (Syphilis etc.) or the destruction of the local Marma such as a :Spermatic Cord'

5) Congenital impotence: Sexual incapacity from the very birth is called Congenital Impotence (Sahaja)

6) Voluntary suppression of sexual desire produces hardness of the spermatic fluids that can cause impotence.

Of all the causes stated above, except for the fourth and the fifth causes, all other causes are curable.
Cures are also written in the book. Let me share them in my next Blog. Please comment after reading this blog because comments are the driving factors that induce me to write more engaging and useful stuff stuff.

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